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Phoebe Washburn

"Untitled (cheese photograph)", 2005

Courtesy of Zach Feuer Gallery, New York

March — April, 2015

Phoebe Washburn (b.1973) is an American artist, based in New York, best known for process-based architectural large-scale installations. From rubbish to living things her diverse use of materials is interpreted as a reflection of our excessive-production society.  

Washburn has numerous solo exhibitions internationally including Kunsthallen Brandts, Odense, Denmark, 2013; National Academy Museum, New York, NY, 2012; Deutsche Guggenheim, Berlin, Germany, 2007. Her works are in the collections of institutions such as Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY, and UCLA Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA.

mezzaterra11 – flat gallery is a conceptual project space that opens up new interpretations on documentation images of contemporary artworks, by creating meta-linguistic translation as a white cube is compressed to be flat. International artists are invited to present their work with one image that is selected, adapted, and ultimately, printed for the space as a format of a solo show.